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Membership Services

The workshops give step-by-step instruction on completing a Healthcare Directive, a Financial Power of Attorney, a Health-Power of Attorney, Your Personal Directive Record, A Holographic WILL, A Living WILL, How to set up your files to include passwords and other protected information, Selecting an Agent and how to appropriate them, The Rights of the Executor/Executrix, Growing the Inheritance that You will be Bequeathing, Beneficial Resources and how to access them, and The best and most current innovative ways to keep your documents protected.

Weekly Meetings

Having weekly meetings that can be held that address issues you are currently having with legal documents

Password Protections

Being able to teach better habits in protecting your passwords

New Resources

You will have access to resources that you didn't have before to help you in your journey to finalizing the documents

Let's Get It Done!

Membership with the "Family Matters Documentation Services" offers you the weekly resources, information, and community to help facilitate and  accomplish your goals of documenting all of the necessary details that others will need to carry out your specific personal directives!!!

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